Non-urgent advice: Before you make an appointment to see your GP, think about what other services might be able to help.
Go to a pharmacy for advice and treatment for minor conditions that do not need a prescription. Read about services you can get from a pharmacist.
Call NHS 111 if you have an urgent medical problem, but you’re not sure what to do.
Visit for urgent medical advice for people aged 5 and over only.
Visit a sexual health service for testing for sexually transmitted infections and contraception advice.
You do not have to make an appointment or register for these services.
If you still require a GP appointment telephone the Practice on 01780 460202 at anytime during normal working hours – if it is on an urgent issue please make this clear to the Patient Services team member who will ensure that the appropriate appointment is arranged.
Telephone Appointments
We are currently running a clinical triage system, therefore instead of making a face to face appointment with a clinician you will be first offered a telephone appointment. Appointments with the clinician are normally for 10 minutes and for one problem only. If you feel your problem may take longer please inform the Patient Services team member who will book a double appointment. Following the consultation the clinician may arrange a face to face appointment with you.
When requesting an appointment the Patient Services team member will ask you for an indication of the reason for the appointment. This is to ensure that you are given an appointment with the most appropriate person. You do not have to give this information, it is purely to give you an appointment that will be of most benefit to you.
Warning advice: Please note
That whilst we endeavour to provide continuity of care by ensuring that you consult with your own GP, this will not always be possible due to leave or other absence, or if your own GP is already fully allocated.
Patients are registered with one GP for administration purposes only. You can consult with any GP of your choice within the Practice. It is often advisable to stay with the same GP for an ongoing problem but if that particular GP is unavailable please arrange a telephone appointment with one of the other GPs rather than wait for his/her return.